Dear Family, 7/27/12 Letter
This is your favorite missionary! Ha ha ha. How are you guys? I loved getting letters from you guys. It is seriously the best feeling after a long 15 hour day. Also, please pass along my thanks to Grandpa Tom, Grandma Cindy, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Ken, Grandma Justus, Kirk, Wendy, and the other Welker's, and the Forshee's/Forkus's for sending me all these treats this week. I won't be able to take half of all the food you guys sent me the past three weeks, so I will express the gratitutde of my district as well for the many treats you've sent!
I am loving being a missionary, but I am really glad to be leaving the Provo MTC. I have NO IDEA how missionaries can last 9-12 weeks here. It's a nice atmosphere with a lot of opportunities to do things, but I feel like I've been here three months (instead of almost 3 weeks)! Plus, I don't know what they put in this food, but I've tripled, maybe quadrupled the number of times I have to go to the bathroom. Ha ha ha.
I will miss seeing some teachers and friends here, but I couldn't have asked for a nicer transition to Guatemala. I will go to an MTC in Guatemala with two other missionaries from my district (not to mention a few others from other districts going to Belize, Costa Rica, etc.) And Guatemala is in the same time zone as Utah, so no jet lag! I've met several native Guatemalan missionaries, teachers, and Elder Sam Johnson here at the MTC, and each one talked about how beautiful it is there, how rich the food is, how many places there are to go see and visit, and how HUMID it is in Guatemala.
I am super excited to leave this Tuesday. The date got pushed forward a day (from Wed), and as a result the Travel Office gave me (what E. martinez, Schmidt, and I like to call) a "Golden Ticket" to call home for five minutes before we leave the Provo MTC. I still fly out to DFW at 12:20 pm and after a short 1 hour layover I fly to La Aurora, Guatemala City airport at 4:40 pm. I should arrive in Guatemala around 7 pm on Tuesday. This means that any letters, messages, packages, anything should be sent to my Guatemalan MTC address starting Monday, July 30th at 12:00 pm.
What's my MTC experience like? Well, I wake up at 6:15 every morning with Elder Long to avoid the shower lines, and am ready for the day by 7:10. I eat breakfast, usually pancakes, French toast, biscuits & gravy, doughnuts, and a banana. Throughout the day, I have Spanish classes, teaching appointments, study time, servie on Tuesday, and Gym. I LOVE GYM. We play sand volleyball because the four square in the gym is closed for rennovation. But volleyball is just as fun. Especially since all of these classes all take place in a tiny 8 person classroom, ALL DAY, getting outside is a much needed blessing. Usually pick up packages around lunch or dinner and put them in our rooms, because we have to wait till 9:30 pm to open our mail, and then keep on going to class or devotionals at night. Haven't had a member of the Twelve speak while I've been here, but we've had Elder Featherstone and Elder Coleman speak to us, and Sister Jenny Oaks (a world renowned violinist and Elder Oaks's daughter) play several hymns and songs for us. Then, at 9:30 I open my packages, share the bounty, read the letters, get ready for bed, write in my journal, pray with my companion, and be in bed by 10:30. I'm usually out cold by 10:35, but occasionally I sleeptalk/pray in Spanish anytime between midnight and three in the morning. Ha ha ha.
Then I wake up at 6:15 and do it all again!
I can't wait to be IN Guatemala. It will be a change, but I'll feel that much closer to being a real, in the field missionary.
I just went to a meeting to prep us for Guatemala. A few cool/bad things:
-pouch service for mail is 2 weeks, each way
-don't know about the mail service
-no bookstore
-smaller rooms
-better food
-72 degrees year round (eternal Spring)
-100 or so Elders there
-computers, exercise equipment, soccer, basketball
-Guatemala City Temple is right next door
-3 hr calling card for airport
-tracting every week
-TRC there
-Employees are often non members.
So yeah, good and less desirable things about the new MTC. Mostly worried about mail. Oh well, I guess everything will work itself out eventually.
Just to let you guys know, I did meet Elder McKnight in the laundry room before you even told me about him. I saw his Timpanogos High t-shirt and we figured things out from there. OK, individual messages:
Mom- I really enjoyed emailing you and felt your love the whole time. I miss you, and pray for you, and I promise you I'll be fine in Guatemala...but if something does happen, the Church is still true!!! LOL. Don't worry. I've only fallen once so far, so the Lord is looking out for me. I remember the things you taught me and they help me even now. Thank you, and always remember I love you more than words can express!
Dad- I love getting letters from you and really miss you. But I am doing my best to work with all my heart. I promise you I won't let you down.
Emilie- Elder Long's funny, but he's got nothing on you! Ha ha ha. I love you. Have fun with the new ward (not too much fun though...) Help keep the family moving on scripture study and FHE, and family prayer. I know you will. just know I'm praying for you.
Riley- Hey bud! I love you beyond belief. I miss you, but I know you'll do great with this new ward. Make new friends (they may end up being your best friends). Hang out with Tony. Get your Duty to God/Eagle Scout. And remember that I am praying for you and love you very much.
Aunt Kat, Uncle Ken, Grandma Justus- Thanks for the cookies. WE LOVED THEM! You guys are the BEST!
Aunt Missy- Thanks for picking up my stuff and for all the love you give me! I love you soooooo much!
Tana- Me encanta tus cartas y la mostre a todos mis amigos. Gracias Tana. Me gusta jugar volibol de arena cada dia, menos domingo y viernes. Gracias por estuvo busandome! Me falta Toby. Gracias por (scratching him). Te amo Tana. Gracias por todo!
Grace- Te amo mucho Grace! Gracias para so carta. Yo si me encanta dias de preparacion (ellos son los viernes) y tengo mucho animo a ir a Guatemala. Estas un buena prima Gracie. Te extrano (I miss you). Y yo tengo mucho animo a verte en dos anos. El tiempo va a pasar muy rapido. No te preocupes!
Joe- Muchas gracias Jose para la carta. Me encanta la pictura de nosotros y Toby, tu perro. Eres un buenisimo primo Jose! Estoy agradecido para tu amor y tus cartas. Voy a necessitarlos in Guatemala. Gracias un otra vez y te amo!
Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Tom- THANK YOU SO MUCH for the muffins! They were delicious and my roommates enjoyed them too!
Aunt Doni, Ally, Jesse, Kayla, Will, Forkus's- Ha ha ha. My companion and I loved the box you guys decorated and all the treats inside as well. Thanks!
Kirk, Wendy, Kristen, Katrina, Adam, & James- Thank you so much for the cookies. They're delicious and much appreciated! And Katrina, thanks for your letter. I wish I had more time to respond to it today, but I am packing and prepping for Guatemala today, so it'll have to be in a little bit. I love you guys so much!
Jakins Family- Thank you for the treats you guys sent me. I miss all of you, but I really appreciated the thoughtful gift. Love you all!
*If I missed anyone else who sent me something, please forgive me! I love you too, but I'm pressed for time and it's hard to keep track of all the people that love me! I'm grateful!
Grandma Peggy & Grandpa FRED- I am SO sorry about the mixup! I had 5 minutes to address 10 letters, and accidentally blew it! I love you very much!
Well, I'm just about done with this letter. Overall, I am having a good time here, I am learning so much, so fast it's dizzying. Health is good, life is good, attitude's good, and I'm growing so much here.
I know this Church is true. I found out through reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. I know the scriptures can answer any question we have; it answers my questions daily. I am learning more about what Christ was like through my service here. I have felt the Spirit with me as I have practiced teaching, and as I have borne my testimony here. There is no place I'd rather be (except maybe Guatemala).
I love you all!
Elder Taylor Max Welker
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