Thursday, July 19, 2012

One week down! Loving the Provo MTC

Dear Mom, Dad, Emilie, and Riley,

I am having an amazing time here at the MTC. It's amazing how much I've leaerned in 5/6 days. It feels like it's been weeks!

My Spanish has never been better, and I can understand pretty much anyone (here at the MTC of course, it'll be harder with natives). I make mistakes when I talk but I usually get the point across. A missionary in my district moved up to the Advanced level. The branch president gave me the chance too, after a brief interview, but I decided to stay Intermediate. I need to learn the rules.

Unfortunately I don't see Elder Forshee very often. I've only seen him one, maybe two times. But I have spotted Elders Wesley Valdez, Johnson, Taylor Brown, Corbin Byers, Taylor Charles, and Dallin Anderson. And I have found Sisters Robins and Clayton as well. They were all super-mega-ultra excited to see me ("super-mega-ultra" apparently is big somewhere in Latin America), and they all seem to be doing great. I wish I thought to get pictures with all these missionaries.

Well, I recieved a commandment from God to be humble. Three times in the past two days I have been referenced a certain scripture and was even directly challened (me specifically) to be a humble missionary.

Swallowing my pride feels like swallowing too much PB&J sandwich without chewing, but as I have tried to doso, I have been happier, and learned a lot more about what I ought to do to change.

This scripture that keeps appearing to me I want to be my missionary theme scripture on my plaque. It's Proverbs 3:5-6. ("Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.")

I feel myself going through a massive change of heart. It's slow, and I'm a little impatient, but I know this change will be worth it. I am trying to develop humility, charity, and patience. Also I want to increase my testimony of the Gospel, and increase my desire to "proclaim salvation to every soul." I'm still not exactly sure what I wanted when I first went to the MTC, but now I want to learn to love others and want them to receive eternal life.

Tell Sister Lindsay thank you for that message. I really appreciated the testimony she shared. It helped me want to help others more.

TANA: Muchas gracias para su carta! Aprendiento mucho espanol. La dia para prearacion esta viernes. No se cuando Elder Forshee tiene su dia de prearacion. La comida is buena, y mi favorito es helado. Hay muchas cosas que puedo poner sobre mi helado chocolate. Te am Tana. Gracias por todo

GRACE: Difrutiendo el MTC mucho! Voy a Guatemala en dos semanas. Gracias para su mensaje y la pictura. Te am mucho Grace. I will miss you, but we can always write each other.

JOE: Me encanta mi mision Joe! Gracias para la carta. I love you Joe and I will be back soon. I'll be back before you know it!

Well, I'm running short on time. Thanks for all the packages and letters and meds you guys sent me. (My district is jealous, they call me "Elder Van Pelt" from "The Best Two Years".) I can only write a few on Tuesdays and for longer on Fridays. I get letters the day of, but I get packages the day after, usually. And packages sent on Saturday or Friday night usually have to wait till Monday.

Thanks for everything guys! I love you all, and only miss you half as much! ;)

Love, Elder Welker

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