Monday, July 30, 2012

I know that any question we have, we can find an answer through the scriptures.

Dear Family, 7/27/12 Email

I am doing amazing! I have just went to the temple today, and had breakfast there with my roommates. It was a blast. I leave this Tuesday for Dallas/Ft Worth Texas, and then to La Aurora in Guatemala City. I don't have my itinerary on me, so I'll send that to you later today. But I leave around 12:30. And because they changed my flight from Wednesday to Tuesday, I get a free 5 minute call home. So I need to know when is the best time for you guys for me to call?

I couldn't write Tuesday because even though we have some personal time in our schedule, I read in the Missionary Handbook the other day, that we can only communicate on P-Days, hence today.

I enjoyed the muffins you guys sent me, and all the other treats I have recieved. I seem to always have a package in the mail.

Did I tell you that the teacher that acted out Adan is now my real teacher? He is the coolest guy ever, and he was acting out his own conversion. We are now teaching him as Abram, but Abram is the complete opposite of Adan, in that he believes in God, and is so content with his life that it seems like it will be hard to convince him to change and seek more joy. But Hermano Adams (the teacher), has really helped me out personally, and I really look up to him. Pray for him though, cause he gets kidney stones every month or so. He's passed like 17 of them, and he is passing another one now.

The district really enjoys the gifts and treats. I've got more pics to send home, some including me and Sisters Robins and Clayton (seperately), and some other friends. Oh, and I need to send home one of my missionary belts, cause it is falling apart already (the one without the zipper). If you could send me a different one before I leave on Tuesday morning, (so by Satuday). That would be really appreciated.

Two days ago, when Hermano Adams was home sick, we had a substitute teacher, Hermana Ayala. She and her twin (that also works there) are from Guatemala, and used to work in the Guatemalan MTC. They say that it is beautiful down there, and that the food is good. I sure hope it is better than the stuff here. Because while the stuff here tastes good, it gives me super bad surprises there I guess. I have actually met a lot of naitive Guatemalan missionaries here. Its crazy!

Can't download the photos. No card readers here. Best to just get em home. Or hold on to them.

I teach in the TRC tonight. That will be fun.

Bought new 'Spanish Scripture covers' for my Spanish scriptures (they are made in Guatemala).

Elder Martinez, Elder Shmidt and I are all in the same boat with our travel info, and we all got "Golden Tickets," to call home before we leave. I saw Elder Valdez again just a second ago. I see Alyssa Flake a lot, because I get a lot of Packages, and I pass the Dry Cleaners each time I get another one. I haven't seen Jack Urqhart since the first day (bummer), but I have seen Elders Brandon Vernon, Sam Grover, Daniel Smith, Curtis Killpack, and Elder Barley,

If you can, let Jessie Worthington know that Elder Brown shared some cherries with me, and they exploded on me and my shirt. Ha ha ha. Tide pens really do work though.

Every day I play beach volleyball for gym, and then race back to get a shower before the line grows to large.

There is nothing I love more than letters. Your letters are the best. After Monday 12:00 PM, send all letters and everything to the Guatemalan MTC please.

Recently, I have been learning more and more about leaving everything behind to serve. And I am getting better at that every day.

The other night we as a district were contemplating and discussing the nature of God, time, etc... And seemingly by coincidence, as I was half listening, half trying to study for a lesson, I found two or three answers to our questions in the Book of Mormon and D&C. I know that any question we have, we can find an answer through the scriptures. It happens to me weekly, if not daily.

Oh, and cool fact, Hermana Ayala said that it is very likely I will learn Quekche, Maam, or Kakchiquei in Guatemala. Aparently, because gringos use their throats a lot more with English than naitive Guatemalans do with their Spanish, Gringos like me can speak these languages easier than naitives. Funny huh?

I will always love you too mom! I gotta go. One minute left. So I just want to say thanks for all the letters and all the support you give me. I miss you guys, but not as much as I used to.

Send my love to my friends and family,

Love Elder Taylor Max Welker

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